Inside Collaboration shape, Champlain's mens rugby teammates are working together to get the ball.

The ability to

➔ Establish goals and roles

➔ Create inclusive team dynamics

➔ Organize, coordinate and complete group tasks

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Percentage of Employers looking for Collaboration based skills


Percentage of employers citing “Working effectively in teams” as very important in identifying strong job candidates.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023


Percentage of employers seeking “Ability to work in a team” on a candidate’s resume.
– National Association of Colleges and Employers, Job Outlook 2024

A class working together in a computer lab.


Cohesive Vision
Work with group members to clearly articulate a shared vision. Promote a shared understanding of the vision within the group.

Role Identification

Clearly describe and perform role, making sure work is aligned with responsibilities. 

Inclusive Atmosphere

Regularly contribute to an inclusive group atmosphere that values diverse ideas. Make efforts to address gaps in viewpoint diversity.  

Consistently communicate plans and report status of ongoing work. Regularly reflect on planning and execution to  improve team processes.

Reliably complete tasks. Contribute to a climate of responsibility for all team members to complete tasks.

Guiding Questions

• What is the shared vision (common goal) of the group?  
• What are my roles and responsibilities, and the roles and responsibilities of others in the group? 
• How am I encouraging and integrating a diversity of viewpoints into the group’s process? Are there any missing viewpoints?  
• Is the group revisiting, reflecting, and improving upon its ideas and process for continual improvement?
• How am I communicating with members of the group to track work progress and task status updates? What is working and what do we need to change?
• How am I helping each member of the group (including myself) be accountable in completing agreed upon tasks and responsibilities?