The ability to
Percentage of Employers looking for Quantitative Based Skills
of employers say “Analyzing and interpreting data” is very important in identifying strong job candidates.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023
of employers seek “Analytic/quantitative skills” on a candidate’s resume.
– National Association of Colleges and Employers, Job Outlook 2024

Apply and Solve
Strengths and weaknesses of quantitative approach in the human context
Guiding Questions
• Am I comfortable working with numbers and variables as well as implementing proper mathematical operations with them?
• What is the most appropriate mathematical procedure and logical analysis I should follow in order to arrive at a solution for a given problem?
• Can I explain the proper steps of a particular quantitative procedure to arrive at an accurate and appropriate solution?
• Can I read a quantitative solution to a problem and understand it well enough to explain it to someone else?
• Can I understand and explain the broader implications of quantitative solutions within the context that they were generated?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of my quantitative problem solving methods?
• What ethical concerns or implicit biases in my quantitative problem solving methods may complicate or call into question my conclusions?