outside The Classroom
Lifelong skills are not only developed within academic courses, meaning competency resources are also not limited to the classroom.

Preparing for your Career
In a world that changes rapidly, the competencies are qualities that are consistently expected of young professionals.
On campus jobs are great places to apply and develop the competencies. On campus job listings will soon have relevant competencies listed along with the job description and requirements. Internships and other job experiences also provide excellent arenas for competency development.
Activity Funding
Students or clubs can apply for funding to support events or experiences specifically geared to competency development. See the guidelines for applications and the application form for more details.
Check back here for a calendar of competency related campus events, workshops, club activities and more!

Academic Help outside of class
The competencies are Champlain College’s Promise to Every Student. We will help you succeed. If you need extra support, Smart Space tutors will help you apply competency skills while completing class assignments.
Leadership Opportunities
Competencies can help student leaders with their activities. For example, improving Communication and Diversity Equity and Inclusion skills helps Resident Advisors better connect with students in their residence hall. Student leaders will be given training opportunities in relevant competencies in future semesters.