The ability to
Percentage of Employers Looking for Technology Literacy
of employers say “Utilizing technology and digital media platforms ” is very important in identifying strong job candidates.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023
of employers say they seek “Problem-solving skills” on a candidate’s resume.
-National Association of Colleges and Employers, Job Outlook 2024

Systems thinking
Analyze and evaluate the components, relationships, and effectiveness of a system. Suggest alternative components/relationships for that system.
Social contexts of technology
Analyze relationships between society and culture, and technology, to reveal important patterns and ethical implications.
Apply solutions to technological problems or problems that can be solved with technology.
Guiding Questions
• What components and relationships make up a specific technological system?
• How effective is the technological system for the given situation? Could the technological system be improved?
• How does a specific technology shape interpersonal interactions, organizations, society, culture, or other parts of its context? How are specific technologies shaped by the organization, society, and culture in which they operate?
• What ethical considerations relate to the creation or use of a specific technology?
• When we have a problem with a technology, how do we resolve the issue?
• How might we use a specific technology in different scenarios?
• What collection of tools are most useful in both my professional and personal life?