
The ability to
Percentage of Employers looking for Communication Based Skills.
Percentage of employers citing “Oral Communication” as very important in identifying strong job candidates
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023
Percentage of employers citing “Written Communication” as very important in identifying strong job candidates
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023
Communication is the number one skill most in demand by employers in 2024, according to LinkedIn’s 2024 Most In-Demand Skills List

Audience, Context, Purpose
Intentionally identify and adapt message to audience, context, and purpose.
Content Knowledge
Demonstrate knowledge about the topic of conversation or presentation.
Communication Channels
Apply knowledge of communication channels to convey messages effectively.
Ethical Principles
Apply personal and professional ethical principles to communication practices.
Accurately analyze success or failure of message, and suggest how to improve next time.
Guiding Questions
- What is the purpose of this message?
- Who are my audiences?
- In what contexts will the message be received?
- Am I using valid information that is relevant to the message and appropriate for the audience?
- What are the most appropriate communication channels for the message?
- How do the norms and rules of a communication channel shape the message?
- What ethical considerations need to inform my communication choices?
- Did the communication reach and impact the intended audiences?
- What did I learn that will inform future communication
s? - Do I consistently and accurately understand the messages produced by others?