Inside Inquiry shape, student studies book.

The ability to

➔ Explore open-ended questions

➔ Critically examine assumptions

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Percentage of Employers looking for Inquiry Skills


of employers say “Curiosity and inquisitiveness” is very important for success in the workplace.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023


of employers say “Self-awareness” is very important for success in the workplace.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023

Students asking research questions


Develop Questions

Develop questions that seek meaning while accepting ambiguity and nuance.

Research, Explore

Conduct research as a process oriented towards exploration and discovery. Ask probing questions in a way that leads to further questions. 

Seeks Evidence

Provide evidence to support or refute possible answers, and uses evidence to further refine the question(s).

Examine and Reflect

Critically examine one’s own assumptions and the assumptions inherent in the evidence.

Guiding Questions

  • What ideas, issues, or contexts ignite my curiosity?
  • What is my process for developing new lines of questioning? 
  • Which questions can’t be definitively answered?  
  • How does the question I ask impact the information I discover? 
  • What unexpected pathways or new questions have turned up in my research process?
  • How does the evidence I have gathered support my possible answers?
  • How are my questions shaped by my assumptions and different contexts? 
  • What are the different biases and perspectives in the evidence I have found?