Inside Integration shape, women is referencing a math text book while writing a paper.

The ability to

➔ Address complex, multi-faceted problems

➔ Select and evaluate relevant fields of knowledge

➔ Synthesize information from disparate fields 

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Percentage of Employers looking for Integration skills


of employers say “Integrating and applying ideas across different settings and contexts ” is very important in identifying strong job candidates.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023


of employers say “Knowledge gained from thinking across disciplines (i.e. interdisciplinary thinking” is very important to be an effective worker.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023

Three students working together on a project in class.


Analyze and select appropriate fields of knowledge or perspectives.

Combine information to create a cohesive understanding or conceptually integrated product

Apply results of synthesis to project/problem (applies if final product is separable from research process)

Explain choices made during the integrative process.

Guiding Questions

• What fields of knowledge, methods, or perspectives should I consult to create a conceptually coherent product or a more complete response or answer?
• How does each relevant field of knowledge, method, or perspective enhance my understanding of the topic?  What are the biases, or the “blindspots” of each (i.e., what do they leave out or miss)?
• How will the relevant fields of knowledge, methods, or perspectives interconnect and blend in the product or response to the topic/question?  
• Can I explain each of the choices I made in selecting fields of knowledge, methods, or perspectives, as well as how I blended them together in the final product?