Global and Cultural Understanding Resources

Faculty and Staff Toolkit for Global and Cultural Understanding
View Rubric

Sample Classroom Activities

Sample classroom activities which can help faculty to teach the Global and Cultural Understanding Competency.

Coming soon!

Sample Assignments

Sample assignments which can help faculty to teach the Global and Cultural Understanding Competency.

280 Step 1

280 Step 2

280 Step 3

COR 301 Final Assignment

Final Paper Assignment 210

Sample Student Work

Sample Readings for Students

Sample readings or texts for students demonstrating aspects of the Global and Cultural Understanding Competency.

Peeling the Pop: Exploring a Tradition in Orkney

Beyond Pro Bono

Interpreting Folklore

How Native is a “Native” Anthropologist?

Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection

Scholarly Resources and Literature

More Questions?

If you have questions about the competency, would like some help in implementing the competency in your learning activities, or have some resources you’d like to share, please contact

Michael Lange