Percentage of Employers looking for Information Literacy
of employers say that “Locating and evaluating information from a variety of sources” is very important in identifying strong job candidates.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023

Find a range of relevant sources using multiple strategies. Refine search strategies based on information from prior searches.
Select relevant information by critically evaluating sources.
Integrate multiple information sources and draw larger connections between multiple sources and ideas.
Cite sources clearly, consistently and accurately. Clearly distinguish between ideas of self and ideas of others. Act in accordance with ethical guidelines, codes or norms of relevant professions or disciplines.
Guiding Questions
• What search methods, and search terms have I used? How have I refined my search strategies based on initial search results?
• Have I evaluated and selected sources from a broad range of perspectives that are appropriately current, reliable, and credible; and relevant to my investigation?
• How is the information I have found shaped by the cultural, professional, or disciplinary contexts from which it comes?
• How does my own positionality and worldview affect my perception of the information I am engaging with?
• How do my different sources of information relate to each other and fit into a broader intellectual framework?
• Does my finished product accurately and consistently attribute or cite the sources of each piece of information used?
• In what ways have I used information responsibly in accordance with ethical norms (for example by respecting privacy as appropriate, or by not misrepresenting information or taking it out of context)?