global and cultural understanding

Shape of Global Cultural Understanding. Inside is a professor talking about a farmers market vender's vegetables to students.

The ability to

➔ Inquire into the values of cultures

➔ Analyze issues across local, regional and global scales

➔ Interact with culturally different people

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Percentage of Employers looking for Global and Cultural Understanding


of employers say “Working with people from different backgrounds” is very important in identifying strong job candidates.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023


of employers say “Possess a worldview that allows people to understand the global implications of actions outside of the United States ” is very important for success in the workplace.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023


of employers say “Empathy for others” is very important for success in the workplace.
– American Association of Colleges and Universities, The Career Ready Graduate, 2023

Champlain students on study abroad in Dublin. They are talking with a local artisan at his crafts booth.


Cultural Self-awareness

Reflect on one’s own place in the world, and how that shapes  interactions with others.


Examine how socio-historical contexts of each culture have operated.


Analyze how issues exist and interact across different levels of analysis, including local, regional, and global.

Intercultural Interaction

Interacts with culturally different others and considers the impact of one’s actions.

Guiding Questions

• Can I clearly describe my own, and others’, positionality in the world?
• In what ways has history contributed to cultural manifestations seen today?
• What other cultures have intersected with a given culture over time?
• How can I access and interact with a given culture without becoming obtrusive, onerous or harmful to members of this culture? 
• Where does a given culture exist in a geographic, historic, and global context, and in what ways does this locality affect its structure?
• How deeply do my actions or inactions impact systems or contexts at local and global scales?