Sample Classroom Activities
Sample classroom activities which can help faculty to teach the Inquiry Competency.
Sample Assignments
Sample assignments which can help faculty to teach the Inquiry Competency.
Sample Student Work
Sample student work showcasing the use of the Inquiry Competency.
Sample Readings for Students
Sample readings or texts for students demonstrating aspects of the Inquiry Competency.
Scholarly Resources and Literature
Readings showcasing the use of the Inquiry Competency.
Competency Fellow Spring 24 Workshop: Asking Real Questions (with slides)
A Call for Expanding Inclusive Student Engagement in SoTL
Opening Lines – Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Asking Bigger Questions: An Invitation to Further Conversation
Student-faculty Co-inquiry Into Student Reading: Recognising SoTL as Pedagogic Practice
More Questions?
If you have questions about the competency, would like some help in implementing the competency in your learning activities, or have some resources you’d like to share, please contact
Sheila Liming sliming@champlain.edu