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Career Outlook
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What Are The College Competencies?
The competences are a set of twelve skills that embody the career-ready and life-prepared graduate.
The competencies ensure personal growth through coursework, extracurricular activities, and work experiences
Champlain College created the competencies to ensure that every student leaves prepared for after-college life.
What Are The College Competencies?
The competences are a set of twelve skills that embody the career-ready and life-prepared graduate.
The competencies ensure personal growth through coursework, extracurricular activities, and work experiences
Champlain College created the competencies to ensure that every student leaves prepared for after-college life.
What Are The College Competencies?
The competences are a set of twelve skills that embody the career-ready and life-prepared graduate.
The competencies ensure personal growth through coursework, extracurricular activities, and work experiences
Champlain College created the competencies to ensure that every student leaves prepared for after-college life.
What Are The College Competencies?
The competences are a set of twelve skills that embody the career-ready and life-prepared graduate.
The competencies ensure personal growth through coursework, extracurricular activities, and work experiences
Champlain College created the competencies to ensure that every student leaves prepared for after-college life.

Developing these Competencies will help with one’s….
By thinking of these skills as developmental and lifelong, students take charge of their own learning beyond college.
Competencies are the skills that employers consistently say they want to see in their new hires.
According to a recent online survey of 1,010 employers by Career-Ready Graduate by Ashley P. Finley.
Competencies are the skills that employers consistently say they want to see in their new hires.
According to a recent online survey of 1,010 employers by Career-Ready Graduate by Ashley P. Finley.
Competencies are the skills that employers consistently say they want to see in their new hires.
According to a recent online survey of 1,010 employers by Career-Ready Graduate by Ashley P. Finley.
Competencies are the skills that employers consistently say they want to see in their new hires.
According to a recent online survey of 1,010 employers by Career-Ready Graduate by Ashley P. Finley.
The percentage of Employers who want competency-based skills according to Career-Ready Graduate by Ashley P. Finley
Oral Communication
Working Effectively in Teams
Critical Thinking
Working with People from different backgrounds
Creative and Innovative Thinking
Complex Problem Solving

Champlain’s Promise to every Student

Champlain’s Promise to every Student

Champlain’s Promise to every Student

Champlain’s Promise to every Student

In Academic Classes
Outside of the Classroom
- Internships & Work Experiences
- Student activities & Clubs
- Residential Life
- Travel Experiences